Science And Technology Colorful PDF by World Inbox Academy (Gujarati)
Science And Technology PDF For GPSC by World Inbox Academy
Science And Technology PDF For GPSC by World Inbox Academy: examinations of high levels such as UPSC and State Civil Services are prescribing General studies to be an important component of the exam syllabus. In the last few years, the trend of framing questions has shifted enormously towards including General Science in many questions.
Several contemporary technological areas, as well as some of the newly emerging sciences like biotechnology, find a place in the book. The text has been neatly sectioned in ten parts for an even pattern for studying.
The first part of the book is on General Aspect and details the role of science and technology in the development of India and its future prospects in the field of research. The second part deals with energy and its various sources, both conventional and unconventional. The third and fourth parts of the book are on Nuclear Technology and Information Technology respectively. The fifth part provides the readers with details about space research and the sixth about material technologies such as nanotechnology, laser and photonics.
In the last three sections, light is shed on topics of environment, defence and biotechnology respectively. Five appendices with detailed concepts, theories, acronyms and abbreviations have been provided in the end.
Palaeontologist Steve Brusatte pieced together some of the most recent scientific findings to create this up-to-date story of the dinosaurs, from their humble beginnings during the Triassic, to their dramatic rise during the thundering Jurassic and ending with their cataclysmic demise at the end of the Cretaceous. Filled with vivid illustrations, historical accounts, and tales of paleontological expeditions, this book will change the way you think about dinosaurs.
Physics is great, except when it isn’t. As author Sabine Hossenfelder points out in this highly readable book (you don’t need to be good at maths or physics to enjoy and appreciate it), the notion that the best theories in physics are the most beautiful ones has led scientists down a dark path. Physics is now stuck in a rut, argues Hossenfelder, requiring scientists to re-construct their theories.
We’re in the midst of new space race, but instead of rival countries battling for technological supremacy, the struggle has turned to the private sector. Washington Post staff writer Christian Davenport’s new book explores some of the key characters involved in the commercialization of space—the so-called Space Barons who are spending literally billions of dollars to push the industry—and their own personal, ego-driven agendas forward.
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